This is me!
1.Love me, hate me - either way you're thinking of me!
2.WARNING: I have an attitude and I know how to use it!
3.I'm so HOT - I make fire!
4.My daily routine: Get up. Be awesome. Go back to bed.
5.When I get lonely I set my phone's alarm to go off every 15 minutes and imagine people are texting me.
6.Perhaps I could be of assistance? After all, I happen to be awesome.
7.I have a disease called AWESOME. Kiss me I'm contagious!
8.I meant to behave, but there were so many other options.
9.I wish Facebook would notify me when someone delete's me. That way I could 'Like' it.
10.Take me as I am, or watch me as I go.
11.I live in a world of fantasy, so keep your reality away from me!
12.I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and and 90% how I react to it.
13.My life motto is simple: Follow your dreams...
14.I can resist everything except temptation!
15.I'm not a cougar, I'm a jaguar!
16.I'm not immature...I just know how to have fun!
17.I respect those who respect me and forget those who forget me. Simple as that.
18.I am old enough to know better - but young enough to still do it anyway!
19.Everyone I know is either getting married or pregnant. I'm just getting more AWESOME!
20.I don't look back - Unless there's a good view!
21.I drink coffee... For your protection.
22.I'm slow to trust, but quick to love. I wish too hard and I give too much. I'm not saying I'm perfect, but I promise I'm worth it!
23.I believe what we do flows from who we are.
24.I am athletic. I surf the net.
25.I don't pretend to be someone I'm not... But if you'd like to see me as someone who is gorgeous, rich and famous that's fine with me.
26.I'm not unlucky in love - I'm just extremely good at being single!
27.I'm not shy; I'm just holding back my AWESOMENESS so I don't intimidate you.
28.Strangers think I'm quiet. Friends think I'm outgoing. My best friend thinks I'm insane.
29.Love me when I least deserve it because that's when I really need it.
30.I am who I am and your approval isn't needed!
31.Admit it. Life would be so boring without me!
32.I forgot to go to the gym yesterday. That's 10 years in a row!
33.This is me! What you see is what you get.
34.I am the yummy pie!
35.I'm not lazy - I just run on energy saving mode!
36.I'm not afraid of failing... Which is why I do it all the time!
37.If I had to describe my personality - I'd say good looking.
38.Normal people worry me!
39.I'm not overweight. God just loved my body so much he made more of me!
40.If I say "The other day" it can mean any time up to a year ago.
41.You talk it. I LIVE it.
42.I do what I must, and my friends will adjust!
43.I am here not for your entertainment!
44.I am still waiting for blessings which aren't in disguise.
45.I cover my mouth when I cough, so people don't catch my awesomeness.
46.Yeah I'm F.I.N.E. (F)alling apart, (I)nsecure, (N)eeding help, (E)verything's wrong.
47.will be continue.....
mengidam dan kempunan?
korang pernah tengok/baca cerita Batu Belah Batu Bertangkup tak?
ala... yang cerita majok2, lari2 masuk gua tuu... ha. ingat kan? yang
pasti korang mesti tau pasal Pekan si anak durhaka yang mensebabkan
ibundanya meroyan lantas menyertai acara balapan 5000 meter berhalangan
versi hutan tu.
meh aku ringkaskan (ringkas...~.~) si ibu a.k.a makcik Tanjung ni hidop miskin dengan anak2nya, Melur si kakak, dan Pekan si
adik - selepas kematian ketua keluarga, enche Kantan. dek kerana
kesempitan hidup, maka mereka pun adanya jua berkais pagi makan pagi,
kais petang makan malam...
si pekan ini degilnya amatlah ketegaq. mahu sahaja di-smackdown-nya oleh
si Melur. nak jadi cerita... satu hari auntie Tanjung balek dari
mencari rejeki di hutan. ke sungai.. sungai tepi hutan. ye lah tu! ok,
lepas tu, beliau bawak balek ikan tembakul (ada yang sebut temakul. and
setahu aku, ikan tembakul ni ... ikan belacak. ~.~) dalam perot ikan tu
ada telur! so the mother pesan
"O my children. Hath seen you the golden delicacies of the river
monster. What matter the most - I feed ye children all but the eggs. For
you hath some love, and for love I shall share."
mengerti dengan kata2 the Queen, Melur pon masak la lauk ikan tembakul -
skali dengan telur ikan tu la. masa puan Tanjung pegi mandi, makanan
dah sedia terhidang ala2 siri Masterchef. Melur ni kakak yang baek, so
dia suapkan Pekan makan dulu sebab budak tu tinggal sikit lagi nak kena siku laju2 sebab mengamuk nak makan sangat2 dah. Melur bagi la lauk telur ikan tu kat Pekan, dan simpan sebahagian lagi untuk The Mother.
tapi.. si Pekan yang bagai dirasuk jin lapaq tu teros mem-begging
kakaknya yang cun untuk makan lauk telur ikan lagi. last2, dia ikut
pepatah melayu - ku pujuk2 tak dapat, ku curik, makan. alhamdulillah~
clichenye, time tu jugak la The Mother lapaq ketaq2 lutuit bak aaanng...
so auntie Tanjung pon pegi la nak join dinner dengan anak2 kesayangans.
sekali bukak tudung saji... nah haaaiihh.. hapa pon tarak! The Mother
tanya le daughter, mana lauk telur ikan tembakul?? gua pesan apa tadi!??
dengan rasa penuh takut dan kecut perotnya (bukan sebab PMS) ... Melur bagitau the truth...
APA!?? jeng jeng jeng jeeeennngg!!! *sound efek kilat berdentum di langit*
the Bonda memang RAAAAAAAAAAAAGE habes ah! kalo ikotkan hati, makcik
Tanjung nak je stone-cold-stunner-kan si Pekan tu. pastuh chokeslam si
Melur pulak sebab tak bleh harap! so the best option, lari jejaoh -
merajok tahap dewa tanah.
so di tengah kepekatan malam tu jugaklah.. satu keluarga anak-beranak ni
berlari berkejaran di dalam hutan. time2 tu la nak hujan lebat, nak
ribut petir, nak angin kencang... lol. aku pendekkan cerita, the mother
tu pelari pecut Srivijaya atau Temasek, gamaknya - beliau sampai ke
Stone Split Stone Bertangkup (haram aku tak reti translate..~.~). dalam
keadaan murka... beliau pon berkata..
"O Stone Split Stone Bertangkup, swallow me, chew me. i am as tasty as those value meals at McD"
terjemahan; Batu belah batu bertangkup, telanlah aku..luluh lah aku. aku kempunan telur tembakul~~
haaaa!! nampak? nampak?? situ la point aku cerita nokharoomm panjang nak arwah nih. nak cakap pasal kempunan tu je. okay tu baru mukadimah. ni nak masuk tujuan asal..
definisi bagi mengidam ialah sperti seseorang yang ingin sekali memgecapi sesuatu. alah macam memgharap dream come true. getuh... manakala definisi bagi kempunan ialah keinginan kerana tidak mempunyai atau mendapat sesuatu makanan. bagi barang pula memang jarang digunakan, tapi perkataan kempunan kebanyakannya hanya utk makanan.
okay, so the story is begin like this,
A: babe, aku kempunan gila nak makan ketam babe. lama aku tak makan.
B: la yeke? semalam baru aku makan, tapelah..esok kita cari k
A: tenkiu babe. syg kau gila.
si A tenung je si B. nothing happen. lalu si A pun langsunglah tak tegur si B sampai sekarang ni dah zaman pru13. memang dasar kolot si A ni tau.
tulah tujuan sebenar tulis entri ni. mcm nenek aku penah pesan bahaya kalau layan org yang kempunan atau tgh ngidam. sangat bahaya. silap hari bulan, korang boleh tak bertegur sapa gara gara ketam. memula memang aku rasa kolot. sgt kolot. tapi bila benda dah kena batang hidung sendiri, ha amik kau.. bodohnye perangai...
dulu aku ada sorang kawan, lelaki. orgnye sweet bila senyum terserlah lesum pipit dan agak kelakar orgnya. dia plg pantang kena marah atau kita usik dia sampai tahap dia terasa atau kecik hati. dia takkan mengamuk baling barang. paling cikai pun dia akan cakap...
"keturunan aku tak boleh kecik ati. macam makcik aku dulu kecik ati pastu accident"
mula mula dgr mcm kelakar la. tapi bila difikirkan balik ada betul apa yg dia cakap. manusia. kalau hatinya kau toreh toreh, memang kepala tak betul. macam contoh bila kau marah kat org pastu kau kutuk kat org tu das das sampai kau tak fikir apa dah. dan org tu pun hilang respek kau. sampai mcm tu, lepas tu org tu dok terkenang kenang benda yg kau kutuk sadis nak mampos tu. time tu plk dia nak melintas jalan tak toleh kanan kiri sebab tgh terkenang kata kata kau. kena langgar kete. mati. haaaaa k ni imaginasi. hahaha.
sama lah mcm org kempunan. kalau nak makan something tak dapat. org tu akan dok terkenang nak makan tu sampai hilang fokus. habis semua di tibai. sampai dpt makanan yg dia kempunan tu. org kata kalau tak tunaikan kempunan seseorg tu. boleh kena laknat weh. contoh, kena langgar dgn lelaki tak hensem, kena langgar dgn kucing kurap, katak duduk dlm kasut, paling sadis bila pakwe yg kempunan, kalau makwe tak tunaikan, paling cikai pun pakwe merajuk berhari hari. paling teruk pun pakwe kau hilang syg kat kau. mulalah dia assume benda bebukan.
sebab tulah betapa susahnya nak layan org yg kempunan ni. kempunan ni boleh patah kan hati org tau, mcm di heartbroken kan oleh pakwe, lalu hilang fokus dan bunuh diri hanya sebab satu, makanan. ye makanan.
p/s; so kalau korang tak faham apa yang cuba aku sampaikan ni, harap maaf. sebab aku just nak sampaikan entri ni khas kepada seseorang. alh macam sarcasm berbentuk entri panjang berjela lah. aherherher.
people changed
Seseorang yang kita kenal sekarang, tak semestinya akan kekal dengan caranya / sifatnya yang ada sekarang. Esok lusa tulat mungkinn orang itu akan berubah. Berubah kepada yang lebih baik ? Atau berubah kepada manusia yang lebih teruk. Kita tak dapat nak pastikan, tak dapat nak halang sesuatu perubahan tu dari berlaku...Diri kita sendiri jug bila bila masa boleh berubah...perubahan dari segi mental, fizikal, gaya percakapan, gaya penampilan, dan sifat sifat yang ada dalam diri...semuanya boleh berubah.
Tepuk dada, tanya iman.
Kita mahukan perubahan yang lebih baik atau perubahan yang lebih buruk ? Kalau kita nak jadi orang yang lebih teruk...tak payah hidup pun takpe. Sia sia kita diberi peluang bernafas di muka bumi Allah ni. Eloklah kita buat perubahan yang lebih baik...biar menyenangkan hati sendiri, dan orang lain...
Bila bercakap pasal perubahan diri ni, orang yang memandang kita yang nampak. Kita ni kalau dah berubah sikit pun tak perasan kan ? Kita rasa kita ni biasa biasa saja, padahal ramai orang TERASA dengan perubahan kita tu. Tak kiralah baik atau pun buruk.
Kalaulah perubahan yang wujud tu lebih baik dari hari hari semalam, ALHAMDULILLAH. Kalau perubahan harini nampak lebih teruk dari semalam, PUNAH !
Kalau diberi pilihan, taknak lah saya jadi macam dulu. Bila bercakap melulu dan nampak sangat macam tak berilmu. Allah dah bagi akal fikiran, mak bapak penat penat hantar pergi sekolah tinggi tinggi, ada ilmu tu gunakanlah. Bukan buang dan bakar, sia sia je kan ! Lagi satu, kalau rasa tak pandai, jangan buat buat macam pandai. Jangan jadi bodoh sombong. When you do something do extra and expect less. Work hard and stay humble. Malah, fikir dulu sebelum bercakap. Kadang kala berdiam diri itu lebih baik =)
Dan kalau saya diberi peluang nak juga kembali pada masa lampau untuk betulkan banyak kesalahan dan kesilapan saya. Perkara-perkara yang dah lepas..memang lah lepas..tapi sesekali terasa ia seperti diheret hingga kini. Percaya tak, siapa diri kita sekarang, adalah siapa diri kita pada waktu lampau !
Kalau perkara lepas tak berlaku, kita pasti tak belajar dari kesilapan tu..dan pastinya kita takkan berubah sampai bila bila. Jadi bersyukur lah, pengajaran lepas telah mematangkan kita =)
life goes on
It's been a while hasn't it? Since you took a walk to nowhere in the middle of the night? Since you walked out instead of run under the shades when it starts to drizzle? Since you got high on candy and a day of boardgames or cards?
Yeah it kind of has. It has been long since you read a mail, leave apart a letter, longer still since you bought an original record and even longer since you surprised someone just to see them smile, since you put someone else before yourself. Somewhere between all the forms of communication and making this world a smaller place, we actually made the distance grow more.. We've grown distant.
I look at your facebook profile now to know what you're upto, who you hang with and what is the latest band you listened to. I enlarge your profile picture and stare at it when I need to see your face and try and interpret your status in not one way but a million till I find one that I feel comes closest to my interpretation of you. I write you mails and then save them in my drafts for let's face it, who has the time to read long sappy emails these days, lesser still to reply to them and pathetic as this sounds, I like my mails being replied to.
We've come so far and yet I feel not much has been achieved. There's so much more to be done but there's something that still stops me, holds me back. If moving forward means not needing your people anymore, I disagree. If being strong implies you have to suffocate and drown out what you feel deep down, I beg to differ.
Maybe in another lifetime I can be like one of you - a machine - but for this one, I'm only human. Not by default, by choice.
did you?
did you ever fall for someone you know you shouldn't?Try hard to fight your feelings, but you just couldn't?You fall deeper with each passing day,But try to hide it in every possible way.He's only a friend, and nothing else--That's the lie you keeping telling yourself.You keep on saying he's just a bud,But deep inside, you're falling in love.You get so giddy when you meet his eyes,But keep reminding yourself it isn't right.A simple glance turns into a stare,But you pretned that you don't care.It's "not right" for you two to be.Is that why you hide it so no one can see?But how long will you pretend?Keep lying that he's just a friend?Perhaps your feelings you can never show.Perhaps it's "wrong" for him to know.Your friendship can't be risked over this,So being his girl is an impossible wish...
everything i learned
Life is too short to hold on to regrets, grudges, miscommunications, or disappointments. Free yourself by forgiving and letting go of any negative energy you're holding on to about yourself or others. The process of forgiving yourself and others will result in your feeling light and free.Whatever you focus on grows. So, when you focus on every thing in your life, you feel grateful for all and appreciate the wonderful people, the universe hands you more to feel grateful about.Then you will be living in a state of love and unconditional contribution. What would you say to the people you care about? Say it.haha. Everyone is on a different path and some appear to be farther ahead on their path than others. Neither path is better nor worse than another. Raise your consciousness to one of acceptance.If you look back at occurrences in your life, you can easily see how even the worst situations you experienced in your life ended up teaching you invaluable lessons and therefore resulted in putting you in perfect place for your continuing me! haha then,when you view every experience - the good, the bad, and the ugly as a gift, life flows more like a gentle, inspiring breeze.okay stop! im tired! haha
this is what i ve learned;_
- There is no moment like the present.
- Joy is contagious and sorrow is lessened when shared.
- Everyone needs "unconditional love" - it is the foundation of love.
- Life is to be lived with no regrets.
- Nothing is as important as "hanging out with your pack."
- Is nothing as satisfying as a good meal and a good poop?
- The anticipation of getting what you want is as much fun as getting it, or to paraphrase, "Pleasure is 80 percent anticipation."
- Loyalty matters.
- Exercise should be joyful.
- It is important to know your role in the family.
- "Play" enlivens the spirit and keeps us young.
- We can commune with the Creator through our bodily senses - enjoying the smells in the air, meditating in a warm bathtub, running with the wind blowing through our hair, the freshness of plunging into water on a hot summer day - in such moments, we are one with the Creation.
- Sometimes "a guy has to do what a guy has to do."
- Walking is good, but running is even better.
- When you are "loved a long time, really loved," you become real and probably even smarter.
- Life is full of suffering, especially toward the end of life, - how we handle it is a great test of character.
- We should not put off until tomorrow what we want to do or say today.
- Doing something for yourself, however little, is important in the midst of great physical suffering.
- It does not matter so much where you live, as who you live with.
are you stalking me?